Carers in Coventry
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Dlalisile Princess D
Companionship, Help around Home, Home Care, Meal Preparation, Personal Hygiene Care,
Details: I am a mother of two boys. I have experience working with elderly people and people with learning disabilities. My passion is driven by the love of making a difference in someone's life. I am a hard...
Clive S
Within the live in care I will offer most of the above services.
Details: I am a semi retired businessman, who decided to change careers late in life to become a carer after looking after elderly parents and deciding that not all carers are not considerate, compassionate...
Bhupinder B
Companionship, Help around Home, Home Care,
Details: I am very friendly attitude guy .i love old peoples .i like to take care of them .i am very responsible nd carig person
Eyersalem F
Companionship, Meal Preparation, Personal Hygiene Care,
Details: My name is Eyerusalem I'm good help full and good carer more than 4 years.
Kairi G
Companionship, Help around Home, Home Care, Meal Preparation, Personal Hygiene Care,
Details: Living in Estonia at the moment, have my daughter study medicine in Southampton uni. I m qualified career. Working with people with psychological needs at the moment...with Dementia as well. No...